The big houses are equipping their bags with RFID chips to combat fakes.
Many luxury brands have integrated microchips or RFID (radio frequency identification) technology into their bags to combat counterfeiting and guarantee the authenticity of their products. These microchips are usually embedded in the tag, the care card or other discreet places in the bag. They contain a unique identification number that can be used to verify the authenticity of the bag.
The microchips can be scanned with a special device to reveal the unique identification number, which can then be compared to a database of authentic bags maintained by the brand. This allows the brand to confirm that the bag is authentic and not a counterfeit.
However, not all luxury brands use microchips and it is not a foolproof way to recognize a counterfeit bag, but only one of many methods used to protect the authenticity of their products. As a consumer, it is always best to purchase luxury products from reputable dealers or authorized retailers to ensure that you are getting an authentic product.

Some examples of luxury bag brands that use RFID chips
Louis Vuitton is an example of a luxury bag brand that uses RFID chips. They were (once again) pioneers.
It has implemented RFID technology in its stores to improve the customer shopping experience and inventory management.
Customers can use RFID-enabled devices to interact with merchandise and access product information, while store employees can use RFID readers to quickly locate and track inventory.
How can I interrogate an RFID chip from my home without special equipment?
The best way is to visit an official brand store near you and ask for a quick scan. Luxury brands are always happy to do this, as they are always on deck to hunt down counterfeits.
Interrogating an RFID chip from home without special equipment can be difficult, as RFID usually requires specialized equipment such as RFID readers and antennas.
Otherwise, here is a little tuto:
>> Use an RFID reader application on your smartphone: Some smartphones have the ability to read NFC (near field communication) tags, which is a type of RFID. You can download an application that allows you to scan the NFC tags and read the data stored on them.
>> Use an RFID reader connected to a computer: Some RFID readers can be connected to a computer via USB, allowing you to read the RFID tag data using software on your computer.
>> Use an RFID-enabled device: Some devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets and even some smartwatches have built-in RFID readers. You may be able to use these devices to read data from RFID tags.
It is important to note that RFID chips have different frequencies, so it is important to know the frequency of the chip you have and whether it is compatible with the device you are trying to use.
It is also important to note that some RFID chips are read-only, meaning they can only be read by an RFID reader, not written to, so keep this in mind when trying to interrogate an RFID chip.
Passive tags are powered by the energy of the RFID reader, while active tags have their own energy source and can send a signal back to the reader. So you need to know what type of RFID tag you are trying to query and what type of reader you need to use.